
At the beginning of the year, Adrian's savings account balance was \$28$28dollar sign, 28. Each week, he deposits another \$15$15dollar sign, 15 into that account, and he doesn't spend any of his savings.Is his savings account balance proportional to the number of weeks since the start of the year?

Accepted Solution

Answer:No, his savings account balance is not proportional to the number of weeks since the start of the yearStep-by-step explanation:At the beginning of the year, Adrian's savings account balance was $28.  Each week, he deposits another $15. Let x be the number of weeks Adrian deposits money.The function which models this situatuion is[tex]y=28+15x[/tex]This in not proportional relationship, because the graph of this function does not pass through the origin (it passes through the point (0,28) which intersects y-axis above the origin).