
A salesperson travels from city A to city B and then to city C. From city C, the salesperson travels directly back to city Aas shown in the diagram below. Write the lengths of the legs of the trip in order from least to greatest.city

Accepted Solution

Answer:1) city C to city A2) city A to city B3) city B to city CStep-by-step explanation:step 1Find the value of xRemember thatThe sum of the interior angles of a triangle must be equal to 180 degreessoA+B+C=180°substitute the given values and solve for x(2x-5)°+(x-1)°+(x+2)°=180°Group terms4x-4=1804x=180+44x=184x=46step 2Find the measure of each angleA=(2x-5)°------> A=2(46)-5=87°B=(x-1)° -------> B=46-1=45°C=(x+2)° -----> C=46+2=48°Leta ------> travel from city B to city Cb -----> travel from city C to city Ac -----> travel from city A to city B  we know thatIf one angle of a triangle has a greater measure than another angle, then the side opposite the greater angle is  longer than the side opposite the lesser anglesoThe greater angle is angle A, the side opposite the greater angle is the side a (travel from city B to city C)The lesser angle is angle B, the side opposite the greater angle is the side b (travel from city C to city A)thereforeThe lengths of the legs of the trip in order from least to greatest is1) city C to city A2) city A to city B3) city B to city C