
what are the mean median mode and range of the data set given the altitude of lakes in feet -9, -36, -23, -8, -17, -52, -27, and -36 A. mean=-25; median=-26; mode=-44; range=36 B. mean=-25; median=-36; mode=-36; range=44 C. mean=-26; median=-25; mode=-36; range=44 D. mean=-26; median=-44; mode=-25; range=36

Accepted Solution

Hi there!

The first step in solving this should be to determine what mean, median, mode and range are and how to find them. 

The "mean" is essentially just the average of a set of numbers, and it's found by finding the sum of the numbers then dividing by the number of add-ins. 
The "median" is the middle number in a set. This is found by arranging the numbers from smallest to largest and finding the center number. Sometimes, if there is an even number of items in a set, you'll have to find the median by taking the mean of the two middle number. (For example, if your set is 1, 2, 3, 4 you would find the median by looking or the middle number(s) which in this case would be 2 and 3. To find the median, you'd take 2+3 which equal 5 and divide that by the number of items- 2 which gives you 2.5). 
The "mode" is the is simply whichever number occurs the most in a set. 
The "range" is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in a set; in other words, you take the largest number in the set and subtract the smallest number in the set from it (i.e if the largest number is 5 and the smallest number is 3, you'd take 5-3 which gives you the range of 2). 

Now the, on to solving your problem! 
The set you were given consists of the numbers -9, -36, -23, -8, -17, -52, -27, and -36. 

To find the mean, we would take all of the numbers and add them up: 
-9+(-36)+(-23)+(-8)+(-17)+(-52)+(-27)+(-36) = 208
Then, you divide the sum by the number of add-ins, in this case, 8 (since there are 8 numbers in the set). 
-208/8 = -26. 
So the mean = -26. 

The median can be found next, by arranging the numbers from smallest to largest: 
-52, -36, -36, -27, -23, -17, -9, -8 
As we can see, the middle-most numbers are -27 and -23, so what we have to do is add the number which gives us -50 and divide by 2 which gives us the answer of -25. 
So the median is -25. 

Next is the mode, which can be found by seeing which number occurs the most. As we can see by looking at the set, -36 is the only number that occurs more than once (occurring twice). 
Since it occurs the most, the mode is -36. 

Finally, we need to find the range. In order to do this, we take the highest number (-8) and subtract the lowest number (-52). 
-8-(-52)= 44
Keep in mind that when you're subtracting a negative, it becomes addition. 
And there we go, the range is 44. 

So now we just have to look at your choices, and you can see that option C matches the answers, since the mean= -26, the median= -25, the mode= -36, and the range = 44. 

Truly hope this helps!